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Job Employment

Job Employment

How the Process Works?

1. E-Government and Criminal Record Certificate: As the initial step, obtain a printout of your criminal record certificate through E-Government and visit one of our offices in Turkey with your passport. At the office, you will make the necessary payments.

2. Work Permit Application: After the payments, a work permit application is submitted on your behalf in Poland. The work permit is typically processed within 2.5-3 months. Once granted, your documents are sent from Poland to Turkey.

3. Visa Appointment: Upon receiving the work permit, you register for the visa appointment draw via E-consulate. The draw takes place every Friday, and updates regarding the draw result are sent to your email. If your passport is selected, you receive information about the appointment date and other details.

4. Visa Application: Before the appointment date, our offices prepare all the necessary visa application documents. On the application day, you submit your documents at the application center, pay the visa application fees, and complete the application. Your passport is sent to one of our offices by courier 14 days later.

5. Flight Preparations: Once your passport arrives, you are called to the office, and a suitable date for purchasing an airline ticket is chosen. On the day of the flight, you send your boarding pass to our team.

6. Arrival and Settlement: Upon arrival, our team meets you at the airport. After the journey, the team guides you to a suitable restaurant for a meal and provides assistance in obtaining a SIM card. Subsequently, you reach the address where you will stay.

7. Health Tests and Commencing Work: In the initial 1 or 2 days, you have the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the surroundings. Then, the team takes you to authorized medical centers for health tests. The tests usually take 1-2 days, and the results are available within a week. After receiving the health results, your documents are delivered to the factory. Your contract is finalized, bank accounts are opened, and you officially start your job.